முன்னாள் Air Marshal Dias – கனடாவை தொடர்ந்து இலங்கையின் இலங்கைக்கான தூதுவராக இத்தாலி ஏற்க மறுப்பு
முன்னாள் Air Marshal Sumangala Dias இத்தாலிக்கான இலங்கைத் தூதவராக நியமிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள போதிலும் இத்தாலி கடந்த 5 மாதங்களாக அதற்கான எந்தவித பதிலையும் வழங்கவில்ல After Canada rejection
Sri Lanka has named Dias as the new Ambassador to Italy after Canada tuned down Sri Lanka’s move on the basis of unsubstantiated war crimes accusations. Having served the country since 1984, Air Marshal Dias retired on Nov 02, 2020 as the SLAF’s 17th Commander
The Canadian High Commission on April 27,2021 told SL declined to comment on the matter
Sources said that Canada being a member of Sri Lanka Core Group at the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) wasn’t likely to accept ex-Sri Lankan military officers on the Sri Lankan diplomatic mission there. Canada campaigned for the resolution adopted on March 23,2021 at the UNHRC with 22 countries voting for, 11 against and 14 abstentions.